ferbuary and 12 february 2013
Sambutan tahun Baru Cina)
have to assign IP address from old IP address to automatic IP address.
windows XP at all labs in SOIT department.
internet connection at lab R105B. In this Lab it has 20 PC. We were checking
all PC in this lab and found Three PC was not got an internet connection. We
have done a troubleshooting and these computers get an internet connection.
duplicate name in Microsoft Excel for the trainee. This is for trace a
duplicate name or file. If the name or file is duplicate, we have delete to
avoid redundant data.
a class maintainer lab at block P (P101) with my practical friend and check all
PC in that lab and make a troubleshooting if there is any problem occurs on
that PC. In this lab it has 30 PC and two PC have to do troubleshooting because
this PC was not getting an internet connection.
and my practical friend were instructed to check a IP address at all PC in 3
labs at Block R (R105, R104B, R115). We
have to assign IP address from old IP address to automatic IP address.
how to rummage the component inside the CPU.
Check lab P112 that was under maintenance is in a good condition and get
a internet connection