Monday, 25 February 2013

Week 8 (25 February - 28 February 2013)

·         I and my practical student were instructed by En. Azlan to check all PC in all labs at SOIT department because for the next week 1400 trainers will come to do training.
·         I was instructing by Pn.Nazarina to burn Microsoft Excel 2007 to be given to the trainees of 20 pieces. I use Nero CD Burner software to burn the CD.
·         En.Sapei asked me to copy fails GEMS to all PC in lab P101. In this lab it has 25 PC; I copy this file at main computer and make a share folder. When we make a share folder, we can save time and simplify the work that we do not need to insert CD into each computer.

·         Server maintenance.  

Week 7 (18 February - 22 February 2013)

·         Troubleshooting internet connection at lab P112. In this Lab it has 20 PC. We were checking all PC in this lab and found Three PC was not got an internet connection. We have do a troubleshooting and these computers get an internet Connection.
·         Copy files Microsoft Excel 2007 in lab P103. In this lab it has 20 PC. Same thing I do is I copy this file at main computer and make a share folder. When we make a share folder, we can save time and simplify the work that we do not need to insert CD into each computer. Trace duplicate name in Microsoft Excel for the trainee.  This is for trace a duplicate name or file. If the name or file is duplicate, we have delete to avoid redundant data.
·         Opened lab at block P (P101) with my practical friend and Check all PC in that lab and make a troubleshooting if there is any problem occurs on that PC. In this lab it has 30 PC and two PC have to do troubleshooting because This PC was not getting an internet connection.
·         I and my practical friend were instructed to check a IP address at all PC in 3 labs at Block R (R105, R104B, R115). We have to assign IP address from old IP address to automatic IP address.
·         Learn how to rummage the component inside the CPU.
·         Check lab P112 that was under maintenance is in a good condition and get an internet connection.
·         Unifi setup

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Week 6 (11 February - 15 February 2013)

11 ferbuary and 12 february 2013
(Cuti Sambutan tahun Baru Cina)

·         We have to assign IP address from old IP address to automatic IP address.
·         Update windows XP at all labs in SOIT department.
·         Troubleshooting internet connection at lab R105B. In this Lab it has 20 PC. We were checking all PC in this lab and found Three PC was not got an internet connection. We have done a troubleshooting and these computers get an internet connection.
·         Trace duplicate name in Microsoft Excel for the trainee. This is for trace a duplicate name or file. If the name or file is duplicate, we have delete to avoid redundant data.
·         Do a class maintainer lab at block P (P101) with my practical friend and check all PC in that lab and make a troubleshooting if there is any problem occurs on that PC. In this lab it has 30 PC and two PC have to do troubleshooting because this PC was not getting an internet connection.
·         I and my practical friend were instructed to check a IP address at all PC in 3 labs at Block R (R105, R104B, R115).  We have to assign IP address from old IP address to automatic IP address.
·         Learn how to rummage the component inside the CPU.
Check lab P112 that was under maintenance is in a good condition and get a internet connection

Week 5 (4 February - 8 February 2013)

·         Make maintenance at all labs to trace or check all computers get an internet connection or not. If a lab does not get an internet connection we must tell to staff. After we check all labs get a internet connection.
·         Repair computer at R108. Change hard disk and RAM.
·         Format computer, make a partition, and run format. After format, we check old hard disk if it can be used for another computer. If it can’t be use anymore, we must dispose the hard disk.
·         Change a spitter at P112 because that spitter is damage and it can’t be used. We change a new spiter and the will continue.
·         Check computer at R101 because the computer not On When we switch on. After we check, power supply of this computer was broken. We tell this problem to En. Azhar and he will report this problem to Sapura because this computer is still under contract with this Company.
·         we was assigned to check all computer in all labs at  Block P, Q, R. in this three block we have 21 labs and  We have around 400 pc. We was assigned to check all pc if it was not running we must take a note and report to En. Wirzuan. This work takes 2 days to finish.
En.Azhar invites all practical students to server room. At Room we showed all equipment in sever room, how It functioning and all new technology at TMTC server. 

Week 4 (28 January - 1 February 2013)

·         We get a call from trainer to check computer that not get an internet connection. After we check, we found that Internet cable was unplugged. When we plug a cable, that Computer get a internet connection.
·         I was instructing by Pn.Nazarina Assistance Manager at Soit Department to burn Microsoft Excel 2007 to be given to the trainees of 80 pieces. I use Nero CD Burner software to burn the CD.
·         En.Sapei Manager at SOIT Depatrtment asked me to copy fails GEMS to all PC in lab P101. In this lab it has 25 PC; I copy this file at main computer and make a share folder. When we make a share folder, we can save time and simplify the work that we do not need to insert CD into each computer.
·         Copy files Microsoft Excel 2007 in lab P103. In this lab it has 20 PC. Same thing I do is I copy this file at main computer and make a share folder. When we make a share folder, we can save time and simplify the work that we do not need to insert CD into each computer.
I and my friends are instructed to collect each IP address in all laboratories under SOIT department.  This work was to collect all the IP Address to be consulted in the future.

1 Ferbuary 
(Cuti Hari Wilayah Persekutuan)

Week 3 (21 January - 25 January 2013)

·         Installing local area network (LAN) at R108. LAN is installed to facilitate and expedite the work to update the attendant in the SAP system.
·         Service/check equipment in each computer lab in block P and block R. this work is to create a report for lost or Damage equipment.
·         Splitter assembly in each computer lab. Splitter is connected to the main computer. Splitter is used to duplicate display on monitor and projector at the same time. 
·         Do disc clean up and disk defragment. Disk clean up was to remove all unnecessary files in the computer such as Temporary internet file. Disk defragment was to rearrange files that neither are nor managed in the Computer.
Troubleshooting internet connection at lab R105B. In this Lab it has 20 PC. We were checking all PC in this lab and found Three PC was not got an internet connection. We have do a troubleshooting and this computer get an internet Connection. 
·         Class maintenance at block P and Block R, checking their network and computer are running as well.

Week 2 (14 January - 18 January 2013)

·         Format computer at lab R101. In this lab it has 20 PC. Three computers in this lab have to format because two of these computer missing windows file and one computer is corrupted.     
·         Learn how to get a loss data at R101. I was learning this because I have format three computers in this lab. This problem can be solving when we use Encase Forensic software. This software will get all data that was loss when we format a computer.
·         Trace duplicate name in Microsoft Excel for the trainee. This is for trace a duplicate name or file. If the name or file is duplicate, we have delete to avoid redundant data.
·         Update attendant in TRIS system. It is to update that a Trainees attend a class or not.
·         Class maintenance at block P and Block R.
·         Attend a class for fiber optic cable. In this class we have learn what is fiber optic cable, type of fiber optic cable and color code for slot optical fiber cable.
·         Class maintenance at block P and Block R, checking their network and computer are running as well.